Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dough Art

Lydia and I (Ty declined, he would rather play his video games) made some dough art Christmas ornaments on Sunday.  I hadn't made dough art since I was a kid.  It was fun.  And it was fun to work with.
I used 1/4 cup salt and 3/8 cup of water.  I couldn't get the salt to dissolve in the water, but just proceeded with the recipe.  I then added 1 cup flour and stirred together.  I turned it out onto the counter and kneaded more flour into until it felt a bit elastic, like it wouldn't crumble.    I used cookie cutters to cut out shapes and then baked them @ 350F for about 30 minutes, until they were hard.
Lydia already loves to paint so she did really well with painting these ornaments.  She painted them all right to the edge and then we added some glitter glue.


  1. Hi there! I found that I liked the dough for dough art that you cook when I made it. Here's a site that looked close, but it's not cooked.

    Also, you can use Wilton Food Colors to color your dough if you wanted to work with colored dough, though, I just liked baking mine without color and then painting them... [Hmm... me thinks it might be a nifty experiment with my kids] I sealed mine with decopauge mod podge white glop or here's something else you can do. Buy a non toxic sealant spray and spray your finished dough outside. [Mod Podge. Something that later I regretted and wished that I'd used the spray!] Looks like you all had a great time! Glad to see that Miss Lydia enjoys artistic endeavors and that Mr. Ty is a huge fan of Legoes. When my sons were about his age, they were NUTS over them! Isaac still has the "Lion's Share" left and he lets Melissa [10] use them.

    Sure love you! And I'm proud of you and the kind of wife and mom you are to your family!

    {{{HUGE HUGS}}}

    Love, Aunt Sandy

    Christmas here will be delayed because of the huge ice storm last week. So, my cards will be out later as well. Merry Christmas Sweet gal!

  2. Ooh, some good ideas, there. I will keep them in mind for future!

    Merry Christmas to you! Send us some snow! :)
