Monday, October 15, 2012

Ooey Gooey Fun

We had a fun day in school, learning about polymers.  We mixed up this concoction of Elmer's Glue, Borax, Water, and some food coloring.  Thank you Pinterest!

Lydia is stirring the glue and water.  We used the clear glue.

Now stirring in the food coloring.

When we added the borax liquid, it started gelling up.

Poking around a bit.

Now amassed as a glob.  (Ty didn't color his.)

"Look it stretches!"


More stretching.  And be sure to make a funny face at the camera for mom--every single time she tries to snap a picture.

Roll it out, roll it up, squeeze the air bubbles.

And keep repeating for about an hour.  Loads of fun!

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