Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What Happens When You Live in OK

You end up with Okie children.

Yesterday I was working with Lydia on her spelling and reading. I made little cards with letters on them and I ask her to spell words with them.

I asked her to spell SIT. She gathered her letters and spelled it correctly.

Then I asked her if she could change it to BIT. So she exchanged the S for a B.

Then I asked her if she could change it to LIT. She correctly replaced the B with an L.

Then I was done and was putting the cards away. She was upset and said we weren't done. She said, "I want to spell GIT!" I said GIT is not a word, it's actually GET. She was adamant, "NO, it's GIT!" I told her this is just how it's said in Oklahoma, but it's really not correct.


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