Sunday, March 25, 2012


Last night, we were going to stop by Panera to pick up some Cinnamon Crunch bagels for Ty's Sunday breakfast.  Partly, this was a treat he wanted, partly, he needed to have a quick breakfast as he had an early Boy Scout obligation.  I wasn't sure if Lydia wanted a bagel, too, or if she would like something I would make homemade.

Me:  "Lydia, would you rather have a bagel, or something I will make?  I'm going to try something new--that puffed-up pancake we saw online the other day."

Lydia:  "Definitely a bagel!" with a look of disdain, obviously for my attempt at making something new.  :/

Me:  "Well, thanks (read as sarcasm) for that vote of confidence!"

So, this morning, I whipped up a Dutch Baby (or German pancake, or puff pancake) for myself.

I topped it with sauteed apple slices, cinnamon, and sugar.

It was SO delicious!

I told Lydia she was missing out.

Me:  "You're really missing out!  This is awesome!"

Lydia:  "Well, you like lasagna, and I don't.  I have different taste buds than you.  That probably tastes like cake to you, but it would taste like fried onions to me."

She cracks me up!

Mmm, fried onions sound good right now.  :)